Legislature(1997 - 1998)

04/21/1998 09:25 AM Senate FIN

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE                                                       
21 April 1998                                                                  
9:25 a.m.                                                                      
SFC-98, #133, Sides A and B                                                    
CALL TO ORDER                                                                  
Senator Bert Sharp, Co-chair, convened the meeting at                          
approximately 9:25 a.m.                                                        
In addition to Co-chairman Sharp, Senators Pearce, Phillips,                   
Donley, Torgerson, Parnell and Adams were present when the                     
meeting was convened.                                                          
Also Attending:  Senator JERRY MACKIE; Senator LYDA GREEN;                     
Senator JERRY WARD; Representative NORM ROKEBERG; CAROL                        
CARROLL, Director, Division of Administrative Services,                        
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs; NICO BUS,                         
Budget Coordinator, Department of Natural Resources and                        
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs; KAREN REHFELD,                    
Director, Education Support Services, Department of                            
Education; MIKE GREANY, Director, Division of Legislative                      
Finance; DAVE TONKOVICH, JIM HAUCK, GRETCHEN MANNIX, Fiscal                    
Analysts, Division of Legislative Finance; and aides to                        
committee members and other members of the Legislature.                        
SUMMARY INFORMATION                                                            
Co-chair Sharp convened the committee meeting.  He said the                    
committee would first take up SB 281.                                          
 SENATE BILL NO. 281                                                           
"An Act relating to general grant land entitlements for                        
the City and Borough of Yakutat; and providing for an                          
effective date."                                                               
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 281(RES)                                                
"An Act relating to general grant land entitlements for                        
the City and Borough of Yakutat; and providing for an                          
effective date."                                                               
Senator Jerry Mackie was invited to join the committee.  He                    
briefly read his sponsor statement into the record.  He said                   
this legislation was introduced to complete the formation of                   
the Yakutat Borough.  He said it would correct the defects                     
in the borough formation process that resulted in such a                       
small land entitlement for the City and Borough of Yakutat                     
by increasing its entitlement to 21,500 acres.  The                            
Resources Committee version of the bill would reduce the                       
original entitlement to 8,552 acres.  The bill would also                      
extend the authority of the Division of Lands, Department of                   
Natural Resources to condition and restrict any of the                         
municipality selections made under this increased grant.  He                   
said they believed they qualified for about 33,000 acres.                      
Through negotiations in the Community and Regional Affairs                     
committee it was reduced to 21,000 acres.  Everyone,                           
including Mental Health, Department of Natural Resources,                      
Department of Fish and Game, Department of Environmental                       
Conservation, Chugach, and the University of Alaska.  He                       
said he would appreciate it if the committee would move the                    
bill along as it is.                                                           
Senator Torgerson MOVED CSSB 281(RES).  WITHOUT OBJECTION it                   
was REPORTED OUT with individual recommendations and                           
accompanying fiscal note from the Department of Natural                        
Resources, Land Development in the amount of $6.0.                             
Co-chair Sharp handed the gavel to Co-chair Pearce to                          
continue the budget portion of the meeting.  Co-chair Pearce                   
called SB229.                                                                  
 SENATE BILL NO. 229                                                           
"An Act making appropriations for the operating and                            
loan program expenses of state government, for certain                         
programs, and to capitalize funds; making                                      
appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17c, Constitution of                        
the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget                            
reserve fund; and providing for an effective date."                            
Senator Parnell briefly explained the Department of Natural                    
Resources subcommittee closeout.  He said there were three                     
changes to the proposed Governor's amended budget. The Oil                     
and Gas Division had $187,000 in savings due to extra money                    
the department spent on projects that were not funded by the                   
Legislature last year.  In the Fire Suppression budget they                    
deleted $152.3 in airplanes that are no longer in inventory                    
and also savings in office consolidation.  Lastly, the                         
subcommittee added $118,400 to the Agriculture Division.  He                   
MOVED the Department of Natural Resources subcommittee                         
report and WITHOUT OBJECTION it was ADOPTED.  Senator Adams                    
noted that he did not have any objection at this time but                      
would present amendments on Friday.                                            
Senator Torgerson explained the Department of Commerce and                     
Economic Development subcommittee closeout.  (pause)  He                       
said the subcommittee considered mostly the regulatory side                    
of the Department of Commerce.  He said an increment in the                    
amount of $15,000 for contractual services was denied in the                   
Division of Banking and Securities.  In the Division of                        
Insurance they denied an increment of $15,000.  The Division                   
of Occupational Licensing had a carry forward of $159.1 and                    
they did not let the division use that amount as a carry                       
forward this year.  In the Commissioner's Office they denied                   
an $80,000 increment, which was RSA'd from all other                           
components for support for the Commissioner's Office.  For                     
the fourth year in a row they denied the special assistant                     
to the Commissioner in the amount of $52.2.  They also                         
denied another increment in the amount of $79.6 for                            
Management Support.  Under AIDA there was also an increment                    
denial with a total reduction of $431.9.  Senator Torgerson                    
MOVED the Department of Commerce subcommittee report.                          
Senator Adams OBJECTED.  He said the Department of Commerce                    
and Economic Development should be kept intact for the                         
future of Alaska.  He noted that the department was $1.7                       
million under their budget and brought in a revenue of $6                      
million.  He asked if they would allow the agency, if                          
reappropriation monies were found, to at least submit their                    
requests to help take care of some of the smaller problems                     
found in the present budget on a one-time basis.  He said he                   
was concerned about rural Alaska especially and noted                          
specifically the denial of the Bristol Bay/Kuskokwim area,                     
Division of Trade and Development and the Tourism and                          
Fisheries Development.  At this time Senator Adams WITHDREW                    
his objection.                                                                 
Senator Torgerson explained that particular portion of the                     
budget was not incorporated in his amendment.  It was only                     
in the regulatory portion.  Therefore, WITHOUT OBJECTION,                      
the Department of Commerce and Economic Development                            
subcommittee report was ADOPTED.                                               
Senator Torgerson explained the Department of Environmental                    
Conservation subcommittee closeout.  He said there were                        
several small reductions in this department.  In the  Office                   
of the Commissioner $21,300 was denied as it was classified                    
as an overpayment in the reimbursement of the Deputy                           
Commissioner who is an employee of the Environmental                           
Protection Agency.  They accepted a fund source change in                      
the Alaska Drinking Water Fund to Federal receipts in the                      
amount of $489,600.  They further denied designated program                    
receipts for Cruise Ship Air Quality Compliance Study.  They                   
further requested than in increment in the amount of                           
$100,000 be reduced to $50,000 for Clean Water Standards in                    
order to develop those standards.  In the Spill Response it                    
was requested that $54,200 be increased out of the 470 Funds                   
to the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs for local                   
emergency planning committees.  He MOVED the Department of                     
Environmental Conservation subcommittee report and WITHOUT                     
OBJECTION it was ADOPTED.                                                      
Senator Donley took up the Department of Education                             
subcommittee closeout.  (pause)  He noted several items                        
transferred out of the department this year were; AVTEC,                       
Kotzebue Tec, State Museum, (tape malfunction is noted at                      
this time).                                                                    
Senator Donley said they were requested to make a reduction                    
and they carefully followed the instructions of the Finance                    
committee.  They denied all increases and accepted all                         
decrements that appeared in the Governor's proposal.  They                     
also met their target reduction of $240,000 GF.  This                          
reduction was to the WWAMI program.  Students will now have                    
to pay $6000 each.  He told the committee that the State of                    
Montana has changed their WWAMI program to a full loan                         
Senator Donley MOVED the Department of Education                               
subcommittee report.  Senator Adams OBJECTED.  He said they                    
needed to evaluate the effect of the cuts on Smart Start,                      
preschool certification, reading initiative, comprehensive                     
assessment programs, the low performance school program and                    
the AKCIS program.  His further concern was the loss of                        
WWAMI.  He felt the State had enough money to take care of                     
this program.  He maintained his objection.                                    
Senator Donley explained the WWAMI program and cost for the                    
benefit of those listening on television.  He explained that                   
this was an incredibly expensive program, which only                           
approximately ten Alaska students benefit.  Forty percent of                   
these students do not return to Alaska.  He said they need                     
to find a way to close the gap.  After further discussion                      
between Senators Donley and Adams, Senator Adams still felt                    
the program should not be jeopardized.                                         
By a roll call vote of 6 yeas (Pearce, Sharp, Donley,                          
Torgerson, Parnell, Phillips) and 1 nay (Adams) the                            
Department of Education subcommittee report was ADOPTED.                       
Senator Donley explained the Department of Public Safety                       
subcommittee closeout.  He said there was an ongoing                           
commitment by the Republican majority to Public Safety.  He                    
said last year the committee allowed for the increase to                       
State Troopers and also increased the funding for village                      
safety officers.  That increase would have provided for an                     
additional seven VPSO's and additional two State Troopers.                     
Unfortunately, the Knowles Administration chose to spend                       
that money in other places and in fact, significantly                          
reduced the number of Troopers.  He said this had been very                    
discouraging to members of the subcommittee.  Therefore,                       
they tried to address some of these problems in this                           
subcommittee report.  He said the Finance Committee allowed                    
the subcommittee to increase the budget by about $200,000.                     
Extra funds could be used for Child Protection Services,                       
prisoner transportation and an increase grant to Victims for                   
Justice.  He noted also a problem with VSPO's and said that                    
in some cases they were being used in different duties.                        
Some villages do not even have VSPO's.  The subcommittee                       
adopted some specific intent language regarding the VSPO's.                    
He further felt that those put through training at the                         
Trooper Academy should make a commitment to the State,                         
otherwise they should have to pay back their education.                        
Senator Donley MOVED the Department of Public Safety                           
subcommittee report.  Senator Adams OBJECTED.  He said that                    
the Trooper placement was up to Col. Godfrey and not the                       
Governor.  He agreed that there was a problem with the                         
Administration regarding VSPO's.  He also said their duties                    
should be outlined and perhaps a look should be taken at the                   
low salaries they receive.                                                     
Senator Parnell requested a short at ease at approximately                     
10:20 a.m.                                                                     
Co-chair Sharp reconvened the committee shortly thereafter.                    
It is noted for the record the absence of Senators Pearce                      
and Torgerson.                                                                 
Senator Adams maintained his OBJECTION to the Department of                    
Public Safety subcommittee report.  By a roll call vote of 4                   
yeas (Sharp, Donley, Parnell, Phillips) and 1 nay (Adams) it                   
was ADOPTED.                                                                   
Senator Jerry Ward was invited to join the committee and                       
gave a brief explanation for the Department of Corrections                     
subcommittee report.  He said there was an increase over                       
last year in the amount of $7.83 million.  He stated this                      
was mostly due to the Cleary decision.                                         
(Tape #133, Side A switched to Side B.)                                        
Senator Ward continued his explanation.  He further noted                      
other causes for the increase in that more prisoners were                      
being sent outside and more prisoners to halfway houses.                       
This was due to an increase in the inmate population.  Also,                   
the culturally relevant study that was done last year is now                   
being implemented this year.  He hoped this would decrease                     
the number of reoffending prisoners.                                           
Senator Torgerson MOVED the Department of Corrections                          
subcommittee report.  Senator Adams OBJECTED, noting he may                    
have amendments on Friday.  He also said he would have to                      
look at the CRC beds for Bethel because they wanted hard                       
beds.  He then REMOVED his OBJECTION.  Therefore, WITHOUT                      
OBJECTION the Department of Corrections subcommittee report                    
was ADOPTED.                                                                   
A brief at ease was taken again at 10:16 a.m.                                  
Senator Adams explained the Department of Labor subcommittee                   
report briefly.  He said the subcommittee was chaired by                       
Senator Pearce along with Senator Green and himself.  He                       
said the only basic change was a fund source change of                         
$166,400 general funds match to inter agency receipts due to                   
maintenance of ATAP being under Department of Health and                       
Social Services and therefore no longer needed under                           
Department of Labor.  Senator Adams then MOVED the                             
Department of Labor subcommittee report and WITHOUT                            
OBJECTION it was ADOPTED.                                                      
Senator Parnell explained the Department of Health and                         
Social Services subcommittee report.  He said the budget                       
increased by approximately $11.5 million due to formula                        
growth from this current year.  The budget proposed funding                    
of twenty-eight new front line social worker positions for                     
DFYS to deal with harm issues and child protection issues.                     
Additional training is also funded for the social workers                      
along with a new community based family assessment case                        
management pilot project to assist DFYS in working with                        
communities.  Other funding included increase in foster                        
care, subsidized adoptions and guardianships, infant                           
learning program, DD grants, formula growth in the Medicaid                    
program and increases funding to the emergency medical                         
services.  He said the one program that had been eliminated                    
was General Relief Medical.  Senator Parnell then MOVED the                    
Department of Health and Social Services subcommittee                          
report.  Senator Adams OJBECTED.  He said he appreciated the                   
hard work the subcommittee had done on the budget but there                    
were three main areas that needed attention.  Those were:                      
General Medical Relief, Smart Start program and social                         
worker positions.  He MAINTAINED his OBJECTION.  By a roll                     
call vote of 5 yeas, (Pearce, Sharp, Torgerson, Parnell,                       
Phillips) and 1 nay (Adams) (Donley absent) the Department                     
of Health and Social Services subcommittee report was                          
Senator Phillips said he was going to be meeting with the                      
Department of Administration this afternoon and will have a                    
full subcommittee report by tomorrow afternoon.                                
Senator Torgerson said he had no comment on the Department                     
of Transportation and said he expected to close out with                       
zero recommendation for the Alaska Marine Highway and the                      
Southeast Region.                                                              
Co-chair Pearce said the committee would close out the parts                   
of Department of Transportation that were complete.  Senator                   
Torgerson said Northern and Central Regions were ready.  She                   
said that would be done at 4:30 p.m. today.  She HELD                          
closeouts on the Governor and Legislature until a later                        
Co-chair Sharp said there were three bills scheduled for                       
this afternoon, HB 334, SB 219 and SB 336.  He said perhaps                    
SB 336 could be waived from the Senate Finance Committee                       
because it had a zero fiscal note.                                             
Co-chair Pearce recessed the committee until 4:30 p.m.                         
SFC-98 -7- 4/21/98                                                             

Document Name Date/Time Subjects